Latin America is a part of the world where the economy is growing very quickly. And as these markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services. The question is, where are those goods and services going to come from? 拉丁美洲是全球经济增长速度最快的地区之一.当这些地区的市场迅速增长时,它们对商品和服务的需求也会增长.而现在的问题是,这些商品和服务将来自何方?
And as these markets grow, so does their demand for goods and services. 正是这些市场的扩大,他们才的确需要商品和服务。
The economic slowdown has led business to slash prices in hopes of kindling demand for goods and services. 经济放缓使商家大幅降低商品价格,希望这样能刺激消费者对商品和服务的需求。
The world is now a global marketplace, and the supply and demand of goods and services operate at that level. 当今世界已经变成了一个全球市场,所有的货物及服务的供求都在这个大市场中进行。
Smith believed that in order to meet a constantly growing demand for goods, a country's scarce resources must be allocated efficiently. 史密斯认为,为了满足产品不断增长的需求,一个国家必须有效率的分配稀缺资源。
As fewer people are needed to meet the demand for goods such as appliances and clothing it is natural that more people work in healthcare and education where outcomes are manifestly unsatisfactory. 由于满足人们对家用电器和服装等商品的需求所需要的人手减少,自然会有更多人转到医疗和教育等领域工作&目前,这些领域的状况明显令人不满意。
They create a demand for goods that are not really needed. 广告使人们产生购物的需求,而这些需求通常是不必要的。
But there is disagreement among economists on whether government spending should be slashed to trim the deficit at a time of low private sector demand for goods and services. 但是经济学家当中对政府在私人部门对商品和服务需求低迷不振的时候,是否应当削减政府开支以减少赤字的做法,存在不同意见。
We agree to an inspection at the port of shipment, but demand the goods be inspected by an inspection organization acceptable to us. 我公司同意在装运港检验,但要求货物由一家我公司认可的检验机构来检验。
The demand for goods and services, such as parts and repairs, associated with the upkeep of a previous purchase. 修配用零部件市场:对商品和服务的需求,如零部件及维修工作,通常与对前次购买商品的维修有关。
This, in turn, means lower net US demand for goods and services, which should be compensated by higher demand elsewhere, requiring the rest of the world to have more imports net of exports. 这进而意味着减少美国对商品和服务的需求,由其它地区更高的需求予以抵消,这需要世界其它地区增加净进口。
Statistically, China now accounts for a substantial proportion of total world economic growth and most of that growth results from increased demand for goods and services within China itself. 统计数据显示,世界总体经济增长中的很大一部分来自中国,而多数增长来自中国自身商品和服务需求的提高。
Consumers demand cheap goods and the answer is Made in China. 消费者希望东西越便宜越好,其结果就是中国制造。
A combination of falling demand for goods and higher financing costs has made many companies suspend or abandon plans for foreign investment. 商品需求的下降和融资成本的上升,已经使许多公司暂停或放弃海外投资的计划。
It said demand for goods had led to the re-opening of factories closed during the depression. 这家刊物说对货物的需求导致了在萧条期间关闭的工厂重新开工。
He also held out hope that Chinese demand for goods could play a role in any recovery of the global economy. 他还鼓励外界希望,中国对商品的需求将有助于全球经济的复苏。
The central bank has said that once supply constraints ease, the economy will recover moderately because demand for goods has not evaporated. 中央银行也说,一旦供应限制缓解,其经济将适当恢复,因为对商品的需求不会消失。
The cause of the drop may be falling overseas demand for goods produced in Taiwan. 下跌的原因可能是海外市场对台湾制造的产品需求量减低。
A rise in income will create increase purchasing power, thus stimulating demand for goods and service. 收入的提高将引起购买力的提高,这样就刺激了对商品和服务业的需求。
A demographic dividend tends to boost economic growth because a large number of working-age adults increases the labour force, keeps wages relatively low, boosts savings and increases demand for goods and services. 人口红利倾向于刺激经济增长,原因在于大量处于工作年龄的成人增加了劳工数目,并保持薪水相对较低,促进储蓄,增进对货物和服务的需求。
Chinese exports are seen as an indicator of global demand for goods but they also suggest a slowdown in investment and consumption within China itself. 中国的出口数据被视为全球商品需求的指标,但这批数据似乎也表明,中国国内的投资和消费正在减速。
Ultimately, those developments should make China wealthier and swell its demand for goods and services from abroad. 最终,这些方面的发展应使中国变得富裕,使中国对国外产品和服务的需求随之增长。
A recession is characterized by a decreased demand for goods, increased unemployment, and decline in the gross national product. 衰退的特点是需求下降,失业增加,国民生产总值减少。
Because of its economic importance, the pork sector provides an excellent outlet to study the effects of economic development on consumer preferences and demand for goods. 正因猪肉市场在经济上的重要性,使其成为一个绝佳切入点,从这个切入点可以来研究经济发展对消费者消费偏好和消费需求施加的影响。
It increases the demand for goods, and in this way helps business and employment. 它提高了人们对商品的需求,从而促进了商业的发展,并增加了就业机会。
Because this reduces aggregate demand for goods and services, it is a method for fighting inflation. 这会减少对商品和服务的总需求量,因而是对付通货膨胀的一种方法。
By increasing or decreasing its spending or taxing programs, the federal government may reduce or increase demand for goods and services. 通过增加或减少政府支出或调整税收项目,联邦政府可以增加或减少对商品和服务的需求。
I think the central idea in Keyes'general theory is that recessions, or depressions, result from inadequate demand for goods and services. 我认为凯恩斯通论的中心思想是:衰退或萧条是由对商品和服务的需求不足造成的。
That excessive optimism signalled deficient demand for goods and labour. 这种过度的乐观预示着,对商品和劳动力的需求会出现不足。
The new figure underscores the extent of the collapse in global demand for goods, and shows China is catching up to the more-severe export declines already recorded by other Asian countries. 新的数字突出程度的崩溃,全球商品需求,并显示出中国正在迎头赶上,以更严厉的出口下降已经记录了其他亚洲国家。